Monday 9 April 2012


Celtic Society president Duncan Cameron with Douglas Currie and Willie Montgomery of Strachur Development Company beside Fraser MacLean from sponsor AJG Parcels

For the second successive year, the final of shinty’s oldest competition – and still one of the most prestigious prizes in the sport – is to be played in Argyll.
Following last year’s successful final held in Inveraray, the occasion is set to stay on the shores of Loch Fyne as  the Cowal village of Strachur hosts this year’s final tie, on Saturday June 23.
The final of the competition has traditionally been held in Glasgow, but a number of factors have forced the directors of the Glasgow Celtic Society to take the occasion beyond the city boundaries to the heartland of south shinty in Argyll.
The tournament was introduced in 1879, and pre-dates the Camanachd Cup by seventeen years. It is   contested annually between south clubs and has been won a record 29 times by Kyles and 20 by Inveraray. It has been played outwith the city on just three previous occasions, including last year’s clash between Kyles Athletic and Oban Camanachd at Inveraray.
The decision was made to play the match in Strachur following the completion of a large-scale project to construct a brand new pitch and pavilion for the use of the community.
Glasgow Celtic Society President,Duncan Cameron, said: “The society is very happy to come to Strachur’s first class new facilities for this year’s final.
“This will be the second time the final has been played in Strachur, following the famous 1974 match contested between Kyles Athletic and Inveraray which Inveraray won 4-3.
“We very much hope for as good a final this time around.”
This year’s tournament is sponsored by Inverness-based delivery company, AJG Parcels, and  operations director Fraser MacLean said: “We are delighted to sponsor this shinty trophy in an area where we collect and deliver parcels each and every day.
“AJG Parcels is always keen to support local sport, and the company is honoured to sponsor such a prestigious tournament.
He added: “On a personal note, the final falls on the same date as my wedding anniversary, so I am hoping for a good final and a great day all round.”
The Strachur facilities have been completed after ten years of work by  Strachur and District Community Development Company.
The chairman of the community development company is Douglas Currie who commented: “It is really gratifying to see a decade of hard work by the community development company committee coming to fruition.
“The district now has a venue fit for all regional and national shinty and other sporting finals.”
Duncan Cameron concluded: “Strachur is a great venue for this final, and the local club has itself contested many finals over the years.
“We very much hope and expect that the Strachur and Argyll community will be supportive of this major sporting event.”
This year’s AJG Parcels Celtic Society Cup final will be preceded by the McQuiston under-17 cup final, and a great day of shinty is in prospect at Strachurmore Sports Centre, Strachur.
Don’t miss it

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