Sunday, 18 March 2012


After a lifetime in shinty, this Shintyfan site was started just a week or two ago, and the results so far are very encouraging.

Shintyfan would like to open up lines of communication and craic between shinty clubs up and down the land.
The modern game is fast, exciting and fantastic - but one thing that certainly has not improved is the socialisation after games. The players don't get the chance to get to know and have a bit of craic over a pint in the same way that they used to. There are various reasons for this - and I won't go into these just now - but wouldn't it be great to generate beter links between people and clubs with one clear thing in common - a passion for shinty.
The need for continual fundraising is a factor common to every club and association, so tell us what you are doing to generate income for your own shinty club, group or association. And you can advertise for free to our growing Scotland-wide audience. We also have a few readers from the USA, Australia and various European countries - who are very welcome.

  • Lotteries - are you running a club lottery? Tell us the numbers, results and who's won.
  • Dances - send the details. You might get a few more paying at the door.
  • Quiz nights - advertising here is the answer.
  • Or anything else around your own shinty community.

Tell us your news; what's going on.

Just send your news, views and information - along with photographs, to our
Shintyfan mailbox

We look forward to hearing from you.

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