Wednesday 18 April 2012


We were sorry to hear of the passing of Duncan MacKay, Inveraray.
Duncan passed away after a long illness last Friday.

Duncan was a former player and committee member of Inveraray Shinty Club and will be remembered for helping to re-form the club in the early 80’s after a number of years when it was not in existence.

Personally, I remember Duncan MacKay as a veteran player (looking back, he was probably younger than I am now) in the very early 1980s, as Inveraray
were clawing their way back into senior shinty. I was a young teenager in the second team, and by God, that was the way to learn.
I remember getting an education in shinty from Duncan one midweek evening at the Winterton. He was a hard, hard player with a block that was a tremendous offensive weapon as well as defensive technique. When Duncan MacKay blocked your 13-year-old swing, you stayed blocked.

He was a great shinty player of the old school - never gave an inch; hard, and above all, clean and fair.

There are others who will be able to recount better tales of Duncan, but that is my earliest memory of a man to which Inveraray, and shinty, owe a debt of gratitude. As do I.

Duncan's funeral will take place at Cardross Crematorium on Friday April 20 at 10.30am. Following the service refreshments will be served in the George Hotel.

Our thoughts are with his family and friends.

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